24 June 2011

So what next?

Yesterday marked the end of Foundations I. Six intense weeks and I loved every minute. I will definitely miss Chef Ron. He is a superb instructor and has the unique ability to combine teaching with a sense of humor, albeit twisted at times, which is probably why I enjoyed it so much.

Foundations II starts on July 5th. We had an introduction to this class from our next instructor, Chef Dianne Winter on Wednesday. I hear that she is an excellent teacher. For me the most exciting part of this class, is that we will be cooking every day. And as Chef Ron said, you will never go hungry in Foundations II.

I was honored this week when Chef Ron wrote a letter of recommendation for me to be a Student Ambassador. Helping out the Le Cordon Bleu Culinary College and my fellow students is a great privilege and something that I will really enjoy.

Having a couple of days to inhale, I will be posting some recipes that were demonstrated by Chef Ron. With the posted recipes, I will link instructional videos that are pertinent to the recipe. Also, I will list the specific Classic Technique that we are using with these recipes -- something to help keep this information deeply embedded in my memory.

Can’t wait for Foundations II!


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