18 May 2011

Knife Cuts and Feces

 If I had any thoughts of being skilled with a knife, they went out the window today. We spent time on 2 potato cuts, Allumette (AH loo met), cutting the potato in 3 mm square match sticks and Paille (PIE ya), cutting the potato in 2 mm square match sticks. This was followed by practicing some classic cuts on a turnip, brunoise (BROON wahz) 3mm squares and brunoisette 1 mm squares. As Chef Ron said, practice, practice, practice. At least I have the potato peeling mastered.

More food safety today. Viruses are the leading cause of food-borne illness. People carry viruses in their feces so be sure the person that handled your food the last time you were out to dinner washed their hands. I think I will eat at home tonight.


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